FBS turns 16
How to trade on
mt4 multiTerminal
Step 1
Download and install
Click Get MT4 MultiTerminal below to download the .exe file. Follow the installation process until it is complete.
Step 2
Launch the app
Double-click the MetaTrader 4 icon on your desktop to launch the app.
Step 3
Log in
Use your FBS MT4 account details to log in. If you don’t have an FBS account, register and create one on the FBS website.
Globally licensed
We operate under FSC license and comply with international financial regulations.24/7 support
Get a reply in under a minute. Schedule a callback if you prefer to speak.Data security
We provide segregated accounts, SSL encryption, and more.200+ payment methods
We constantly find new local & global methods to deposit and withdraw.150+ countries
We form a community of traders from around the world.90+ awards
Our trophies showcase the trust we've earned from the global trading community.While MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal appear similar, the key difference is that MultiTerminal allows you to trade on up to 128 accounts simultaneously — something you can’t do in regular MT4. However, MultiTerminal lacks Expert Advisors (EAs) and technical analysis tools. Also, all the trading accounts you manage using MultiTerminal must be hosted by the same broker (or on the same server infrastructure provided by that broker).
Simply download, install, and connect up to 128 accounts. With one click, you can open positions across several accounts.
Yes, it is perfectly legal to have more than one trading account. There is no legal limit to the number of accounts you can hold.